Best of Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft 365
Most computer training companies offer two Outlook courses, Level-1 and Level-2, that require two separate days of training. We offer a one-day intensive course that covers the best features from Level-1 and Level-2. This is the most efficient course to master Outlook, which is the hub of all corporate activities.
In the Microsoft Outlook class, attendees learn, advanced features of email, efficient management of the INBOX, Customization of Views, Rules, Conditional Formatting, Categories, Calendar, People Contacts, Tasks and many other time savers.
The Instructor will teach the class using MS Outlook 365. Other versions have the same core features and differ only slightly.
Prerequisites: At least six months of experience working in Windows environment with mouse. Some keyboard skills also required.
Software Version: Microsoft Outlook 365
Course Duration: One Day
Class Times-1: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Pacific Time (Vancouver)
Class Times-2: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Time (Toronto)
Course Pace and Style: Medium-to-Fast; Hands-on, Intensive, Interactive
Course Delivery Format: OnLine and In-Person
(In-Person option is available for group training only)
Course Outline Download: Best_of_Outlook
Cancellation & Date Change Policy: Cancellation Policy
Technical Requirements for Taking OnLine Courses: OnLine Tech Requirements
Course Outline
- What is MS Outlook?
- Outlook User Interface
- The Outlook Modules
- Outlook: The Mail Module (Ctr+1)
- Outlook: The Calendar Module (Ctr+2)
- Outlook: The People Module (Ctr+3)
- Outlook: The Tasks Module (Ctr+4)
- Outlook: The ‘To Do’ Module (Ctr+5)
- Outlook: The ‘More Apps’ Options Icon
- INBOX: Customizing the Column Headers
- INBOX: Customizing Column & Row Fonts
- INBOX: The Conversation Feature
- INBOX: Using the Advanced Search
- INBOX: Using the Favorites Location
- INBOX: Using the Quick Steps
- INBOX: Organizing with Custom Rules
- INBOX: Organizing with Custom Categories
- INBOX: Colour Coding the Emails
- Emailing: Creating an Email Template
- Emailing: Using the Voice Typing Feature
- Emailing: Using the Read Aloud Feature
- Emailing: Creating and Using Auto-Text
- Emailing: Using @mentions
- Emailing: Advanced Message Options
- Emailing: Voting Options
- Emailing: Using the Loop Components
- Emailing: Flag for the Recipients
- Emailing: Creating Signatures
- Emailing: Recalling a Message
- Emailing: Recovering a Deleted Item
- Emailing: The Out-of-Office Message
- Emailing: Removing Attachments
- Outlook: Creating and Managing Groups
- Outlook: Mail Options
- Calendar: Exploring Views
- Calendar: Creating an Appointment/Meeting
- Calendar: Setting Up a Recurring Meeting
- Calendar: Scheduling Assistant- AutoPick
- Calendar: Creating a Calendar Group
- Calendar: Sharing
- Calendar: Stop Sharing
- Calendar: Sending a Calendar via Email
- Outlook: Calendar Options
- People: Creating a New Contact
- People: Contact from the Same Company
- People: Creating a Contact from an Email
- People: Exporting Contacts
- People: Creating a Contact Group
- People: Driving Map from a Contact
- Tasks: Creating a New Task
- Notes: Creating a New Note
- Outlook: The Folders View
- Outlook: Folder Sharing & Permissions
- Outlook: Opening a Shared Folder
- Outlook: Delegating Access to a Folder
- Outlook: Archiving Items
- Outlook: Managing the Data File
- Outlook: Keyboard Shortcuts